AroFlo have partnered with SMS Gateway providers SMSGlobal to give you the most efficient form of alerts to your technicians.
AroFlo’s advanced SMS Alert Software allows for messages to be sent to your technician’s mobile automatically based on rules that you have setup.
AroFlo offers a huge range of automatic event triggers that can be sent to all or some of your technicians by SMS.
AroFlo’s SMS alert system allows you to generate relevant alerts as they fall due and notify your technicians in the field triggering reminders such as, important job notes, location, client details and much more.
AroFlo offers a wide range of alerts that can be set up and sent via SMS from AroFlo.
SMSGlobal are leading providers of mobile messaging, platform design and development and integration solutions. They provide mobile messaging solutions to some of the world’s best-known brands, banks, government, airlines and many more.