Happy New Year and welcome to 2025! 🎉 We had a few new features in the months leading up to Christmas. In the Office, we released bulk actions for documents and photos, some brand-new standard reports, updates to credit notes, and an important update to posting timesheets to your accounting package for Xero users. In Field, we've made required Task Asset Fields even easier to use, and we've improved the look of adding inventory items to Invoices.
Field: Filter non-completed required Task Asset Fields
You can now set a filter to only view assets with required task asset fields that are yet to be completed. This is useful if some assets on a task have already had some required fields filled out and you want to quickly view the remaining ones without scrolling through the entire list.
You can even save this filter as a custom view to easily select the filter in future.

In addition, when trying to complete a task that has assets with required fields that are yet to be completed, you can now tap the warning banner to easily apply this filter and affected assets will be highlighted in red.

Learn more on Task Asset Fields in AroFlo Field
Task Asset Fields: Multiselect ☑️☑️☑️
Continuing on the same topic, you can now use Multiselect fields for Task Asset Fields! This is ideal if the checks you're performing on assets could contain multiple values.

More on Setting up Task Asset Fields | Using Task Asset Fields in Field | Using Task Asset Fields in the Office
Office: Event Messages 📨
We've improved the look and feel of Event Messages, making them much easier to create. Only the important information is displayed, while the optional info is hidden within the 'Show More Options' button.
Look out for more exciting features with Event Messages shortly!

Office: Updates to AI Bill Scanner
We've added new mapping fields for Totals to the AI Bill Scanner. These fields ensure that the imported AroFlo Bill equals the same value as your uploaded Bill, which is helpful if you sometimes have discrepancies in your values on supplier invoices you receive. If using these fields and you do have a discrepancy, AroFlo will insert a rounding adjustment line item on your purchase order and bill with the value, ensuring your bill total is correct as a result.

Office: Assets already added to Task
In AroFlo Office, we've added an additional Added column when adding assets to a task, quote, or periodic task template. This is useful if you have several assets already added and will save you from scrolling down the list to double-check if assets in question are already there. Click Columns to enable this new column.

More on Adding Assets to Tasks in AroFlo Office | More on Creating Periodic Task Templates
Xero: Posting timesheets in separate sessions
Xero users can now send multiple timesheet entries for the same user across separate sessions for the same pay period.
This will save you from having to manually add items in Xero, if you've already posted entries for that user in the same pay period.
Field: Adding Inventory items to Invoices 📦
In December, we gave adding Inventory items on Invoices in the Field a makeover. It now uses an identical format as adding items to Quotes.

More on Adding items to Invoices | More on Adding items from Inventory
Office: Autosave on Quote Preview 💾✅
We recently introduced autosave on the Task Preview, and now we've done the same with Quote Preview, making it even easier to update key information when working with the Preview! AroFlo will now automatically save the quote you're on when updating the following fields:
- Status
- Substatus
- Acceptance Status.

Office: Next Schedule on Task Preview 📅
On the topic of Previews, the Task Preview now shows you the day, date, time, and Resource details for when the task is next scheduled! Click this to open the schedule details in your calendar. Alternatively, if the schedule is in the past or the task is yet to be scheduled, click the calendar add button to create a schedule.

More on using the Task Preview
New Supplier Catalogues 🛒🔌
We've added three new suppliers to our list of Supplier Catalogues: Samios, Sherriff, and Lawrence & Hanson (L&H).
In addition, you can use Lawrence & Hanson in conjunction with our Supplier Connect feature.

More on Supplier Catalogues | More on Supplier Connect
Office: Documents & Photos Bulk Actions
We've introduced bulk actions for Documents & Photos areas, which means you can easily modify multiple files in one action:
- Change the document filter
- Move files to other document folders (for areas that have document folders)
- Download files
- Delete files.

Periodic Tasks: Prefill Substatus 🔁
You can now enter a substatus for periodic task templates, meaning that you can set a default task substatus for generated periodic tasks!

More on Creating Periodic Tasks
Credit Notes Updates 🫱💴
You can now create Credit Notes on Project Invoices!
In addition, when creating a Credit Note from an Invoice or Bill and allocating at the same time, AroFlo will now approve the Credit Note as well to make it easier when integrating to your accounting package.

Lastly, we've included the task information on credit notes where billed or invoiced items are linked to tasks. Click the link to access the corresponding task.

Read more on Client Credit Notes | Supplier Credit Notes
Office: Create Task button on Task Lists ➕💼
You can now easily create a a new task from a Task list!
This is available from both the open and closed task list.

Report Fields and Filters 📊
For Project reports, we've introduced a filter for Project Stage Status so you can choose to show project stages that are open or closed in your reports.

In addition, we've created a brand-new standard Project report showing you Project Over/Under Billings. This report is designed to show you whether your projects have been Over or Under Billed, answering the question "Am I allowed to invoice more money?"
The report uses the Project amount (Project Estimate Total field) and the completion percentage to work out how much of the project has been earned and then takes this away from how much has already been invoiced to give you a Project Value Claimable (Project work in progress value). If you have claimed for over what your project is worth, you will have a negative Project Value Claimable amount.

For Bill reports, we've added a new Tracking Centre filter.
We've added two new fields to Periodic reports:
- Owner - useful if using different Business Units and you want to distinguish which periodics belong to which unit.
- Project Manager - useful if you create periodics within Projects and you want to show the manager of the project.
Using Variable Service Templates? We've also added several Variable Service Template-related fields. Use these to help you distinguish if items added came from Variable Service Templates or the Periodic base template itself.

More on Variable Service Templates
We've also added a new standard Task report called Task Work In Progress (WIP) By Date. This report is useful to see what costs were incurred and invoices raised between specified dates, and easily shows you a breakdown of your Profit and Loss by showing you your costs and invoices between a date range.
This report:
- Uses a new filter (called Tasks WIP Date) to specify what date range you want to look at (e.g. 'Last Month'), which means it will filter out any tasks that had no activity in the specified dates
- Contains 7 new fields/columns that have the word 'Wip' and these fields only show costs incurred between the specified dates set in the filter.
You can use this standard report as is or create a custom report if you need to edit the key information or add additional info to it, e.g. use a different date range, change the task statuses being used, add additional fields like Project fields, or want to add groupings.

We've also created a new Work in Progress reporting help article including a video which demonstrates the two new standard reports mentioned above!
Quote Line Item Import Template
Using PolyPlan? Take advantage of our PolyPlan import template when using our Bulk Data Import tool to import quote line items, saving you from creating your own mapping template.

Quote Email Data Elements 📩
We've added some quote-specific data elements to email templates:
- Quote Description
- Quote Exclusions
- Estimator Given Name
- Estimator Surname
- Estimator Position
Use these fields to easily populate information from your quote into an email or email template.