Feature Updates

AroPost - February 2025 Updates

We've got quite a few updates to start off this year. The biggest features to look out for are:

  • Compliance Form required on Task completion
  • Choose your own conditions for Invoice Reminder Template
  • Even more automation for Project Completion % Calculation
  • Document Folder visibility and Bulk Actions improvements
  • AI Bill Scanner improvements
  • Tracking Centres for Quote Allowances

Office: Invoice Reminder Template Event Message 📨

You can now use your own conditional logic for the Invoice Reminder Template event message, which means you can choose your own conditions that need to be met before your message triggers. You can either use a combination of the default Invoice Reminder Template event message and your own one(s) you've set up using your own conditions, or alternatively, disable the default event message and set up as many customised ones as you need using your own conditions, for example, one to send two weeks after the due date, and one a month after.

Learn more about Event Messages

Compliance Form required on Task completion 🛡️

Just like you can set forms to be completed prior to starting a task, you can now specify for a form to be completed before a task can be marked as completed. This is useful if you need certain forms to be filled out while the task is in progress.

Set this up for each Task Type in Site Administration settings.

Set up required compliance forms

In addition, we've also included a new Compliance tab on the Task Preview.

More on Task Preview

AroFlo App Update 📲

The latest version of our AroFlo app means that when opening links to AroFlo on your mobile device, the link will now open in the app!

Learn more about the AroFlo App

Tracking Centres for Quote Allowances

You can now set a tracking centre for quote allowances for Detailed Quotes. If the quote was used to build a Project, this information flows across to the Project when using the Progress tab and viewing by Tracking Centre.

More on Quote Allowances

Transaction Term banners

We've made the transaction terms banner visible on completed tasks. In addition, we've made the banner visible on Invoices in AroFlo Office.

Learn more about Transaction terms

Location Custom Fields visible on Task

You can now choose to show location custom fields on the task worksheet for tasks using locations. This will save you opening up the location card to see key information that would be beneficial to be visible on the task as well, e.g. a site emergency contact, or information for location-specific charge-out rates.

Learn more about Custom Fields

Office: Document Folder visibility and Bulk Actions Improvements 📁

In AroFlo Office, we've added a Folder column for Task and Quote Documents and Photos, making it easy to see which file is in which folder. Click Columns > Folders if you need to enable this column. Remember you can drag it into your preferred place if need be.

Learn more about Document Folders | Documents and Photos

In addition, we've introduced a ‘clear selected’ option when using the Bulk Actions feature.

More on Bulk Actions

Office: Inventory Stock Activity and Custom Holders

When viewing inventory stock activity, you can now easily access the task in question if you need to just by clicking the link.

More on Stock Activity

In addition, the Custom Holders area of Inventory has had a bit of a revamp, making it even easier to create Custom Holders and view archived ones.

More on Custom Holders

Field and App: Image Uploads 🖼️⬆️

Good news for Field and App users! We've made improvements to image uploading and you should now be able to upload multiple images faster. In addition, you'll also get a warning if leaving the page while uploading files.

More on Documents and Photos in AroFlo Field

AI Bill Scanner: Tax Inclusive fields ✨

We've added the ability to switch the

  • Bill Total
  • Unit Cost, and
  • Unit Total

fields in the AI Bill Scanner to tax inclusive. This is useful if some of your supplier invoices contain tax-inclusive pricing in certain areas.

Look for the settings icon in the relevant area to switch the fields you need to tax inclusive.

More on the AI Bill Scanner

AI Bill Scanner: Add from Bill Upload ✨

If you're using the AI Bill Scanner, you can now upload your Bill onto Purchase Orders via the items area.

More on the AI Bill Scanner

Office: Project Completion % Calculation

We've added a new Estimated Completion Calculation setting in the Progress Settings for Projects.

By default, this will be set to Job Cost, which means the Estimated Completion (per stage) field will automatically update based on task costs divided by quote costs.

Change this setting to Manual Input if you want to manually edit the value in this field.

For existing projects prior to this feature being released, this setting will be set to Manual Input, in line with previous functionality.

For newly-added projects, however, this setting will be set to Job Cost, adding more automation.

More on editing a Project | More on Project Progress

Report Fields and Filters 📊

We've introduced Quantity Orders less Quantity Received both as a field and a filter for Purchase Order reports!

Use these in your workflow to easily see what items you've ordered but are yet to receive, e.g. to see what items are awaiting arrival before placing a new order.

You can also use the Group By feature to group your data however you wish, e.g. by Supplier, Item Name, Date, or Order Number.

Read more on Reporting

Old Field View Deprecation 🌇

We will be retiring the Old Field view on June 16th, 2025. Note that you can continue to use AroFlo Field on your mobile device after this date. Alternatively, for the best experience, download the AroFlo App. Get it now on iOS | Android.

More on the AroFlo App

Coming Soon: Multi-factor Authentication Requirement

To enhance your security, we will shortly be making it a requirement to use Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for all users who have access to

  • Site Administration
  • The Billing Portal
  • Accounting Integration.

To make the transition easier, we recommend setting this up prior to this requirement taking effect.

Learn more about MFA

Introducing Release Notes 📣

We've created a Release Notes page, helping you see product updates and improvements more frequently. Don't worry; AroPost is not going anywhere and we'll continue providing this more detailed roundup every two months.

Go to Release Notes page

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