Melbourne, VIC, 25 July, 2014 – Cloud computing technology company i-man Pty Ltd has added some new features to IMS:
Horizontal Scroll Bar in SOR Lists
If you have a lot of different pricing levels for your SOR lists, you can now easily scroll horizontally through those levels using the horizontal scroll bar we’ve added.
Updated Edit Category
When editing Inventory Categories, you can now update the name without affecting any of your item settings. To override inventory item settings for that category click the Edit Settings button, make your changes and click Save. If you do not click Edit Settings, only the Category Name will be updated.
Adding Assemblies to tasks even easier in myIMS
When adding Assemblies to Task Materials, you can now set a Qty in the header line (Gally install in the below screenshot) to have the system automatically calculate the number of each item in the assembly to add to the task. This feature will also work with Purchase Orders in a future update.
Updated Closed Task List in myIMS
The Closed Task list in myIMS now shows the JobNr and RefNr based on your settings in SiteAdmin.
More Information: SiteAdmin – Service>Options>Basic Settings
Coming Soon
- Custom Priorities and Client Priorities
- Major Upgrade to Quotes
- Various Minor Updates